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Food Sources With Natural Biotin Supplements

Food Sources With Natural Biotin Supplements


Biotin supplements are best for hair and nails. Also known as vitamin H, Biotin is a B-vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While biotin tablets price vary, the supplement is readily available in the market. You can fulfill your biotin requirements by consuming tablets or you can get your nutrients from natural food sources whenever possible. Let’s explore some of the best food sources of biotin.


Egg yolks

What is the best source of biotin; egg yolks. Usually we take yolks for granted thinking that they are not as beneficial as egg whites. Never underestimate the value of egg yolks.  If you are looking for a supplement for hair and skin, start adding egg yolks in your diet. They are one of the best natural sources of biotin, containing around 10 micrograms (mcg) of biotin per large egg yolk. Eggs on the whole are also a great source of high-quality protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients like vitamin D and choline.



Knowledge is power! You will most certainly add organ meats to your diet had you known their nutritional value. Organ meats like liver are the best supplement for hair and nails.
Liver is packed with nutrients, including biotin. A 3-ounce serving of cooked beef liver contains around 30 mcg of biotin. Liver is also a good source of iron, vitamin A, and other B-vitamins. Next time you visit a meat market, look for fresh liver meat.


Nuts and Seeds

If you take biotin tablets for hair, that’s a good way to overcome Vitamin B7 deficiency. Maintaining a balanced diet is another way to fulfil the nutritional requirements of your body. Nuts and seeds are a great source of biotin, especially almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and walnuts. A quarter-cup serving of almonds contains around 15 mcg of biotin, while a quarter-cup serving of sunflower seeds contains around 2.6 mcg of biotin. Nuts and seeds are also high in healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a nutritious and delicious source of biotin supplements, containing around 2.4 mcg of biotin per medium-sized potato. They're also a good source of fiber, vitamins A and C, and potassium. Sweet potatoes are easy to cook and in different varieties too. So consume biotin the easy way.



Spinach is one of the most common vegetables. This nutrient-dense leafy green is high in biotin, as well as other vitamins and minerals like vitamin K, iron, and magnesium. A 1-cup serving of cooked spinach contains around 7 mcg of biotin. Spinach is the best and easily available source of Biotin Supplements.


Dairy Products

Make a habit of drinking a glassful of milk every day. Milk is a must for every family member young or old. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of biotin. One cup of whole milk contains around 0.3 mcg of biotin, while a 1-ounce serving of cheddar cheese contains around 0.4 mcg of biotin.



Healthy hair, nails and skin make your completes your personality. You feel confident you’re your outward appearance complements your inner prowess. Consume a healthy diet to feel confident. Avocado is a versatile and nutritious fruit that's high in biotin, as well as healthy fats and fiber. One medium-sized avocado contains around 2-6 mcg of biotin.



Cauliflower is another common source of biotin supplements. Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that's high in biotin, as well as other important nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. One cup of cooked cauliflower contains around 0.2 mcg of biotin.



Good news for pizza lovers is that cheese and mushrooms are a great source of biotin. Mushrooms not only contain biotin but also other important nutrients like vitamin D, selenium, and potassium. One cup of cooked mushrooms contains around 5.4 mcg of biotin.


In conclusion, we need biotin supplements to improve our looks from toe nails to skin and hair. Biotin is an important nutrient that plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health along with the above stated benefits. It ensures healthy metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While biotin is readily available, it's always best to get your nutrients from natural food sources whenever possible.

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